a construction sciences project mackay ring road
a construction sciences project MRR_Earthworks Sugarshed Road
a construction sciences project mackay ring road
a construction sciences project MRR_Earthworks Sugarshed Road

Mackay Ring Road (Stage 1)

Client/s: CPB Contractors

Location: Mackay

Services: Earthworks & Pavement CMT, Geotechnical Monitoring

Construction Sciences Unit:
Mackay CMT & Professional Services

Project Description:

The 11.3km Mackay Ring Road project aims to reduce heavy vehicle traffic through Mackay and provide an improved link from the southern to northern suburbs.

This development will bring many benefits to the community including improved road safety, reduced travel time and more efficient travel of freight vehicles.


Our Role:

Over a two year span, Construction Sciences’ role in the project was to deliver all Construction Materials Testing and Geotechnical Instrument Monitoring. Testing was carried out of the Mackay laboratory with a task force of up to six technicians.