Hexham Straight Widening

Client: Hexham Straight Widening
Alliance (Georgiou, Daracon, SMEC
and Transport for NSW)

Location: Ironbark Creek, NSW

Services: Concrete and Soil Testing

Construction Sciences Units:
Newcastle Laboratory

Project Description:

Hexham Straight Widening is part of Pacific Highway improvements to widen and upgrade the section between Maitland Road and the Newcastle Inner City Bypass in New South Wales. This six-kilometre-long project is essential to improving traffic flow for approximately 50,000 motorists daily, enhancing freight travel reliability, and increasing safety for all road users, including cyclists and pedestrians.

The scope includes widening the dual carriageway from two to three lanes in each direction, demolishing the existing Ironbark Creek bridge and constructing two new bridges, upgrading intersections, and relocating essential utilities.

As a critical link in the National Land Transport Network, the Hexham Straight section of the Pacific Highway is vital to the Hunter Region, providing primary access to and from the Newcastle Port. The upgrades will strengthen connections across this high-traffic corridor, improving access to surrounding areas and delivering more reliable travel times for commuters and heavy vehicles.

Our Role:

Construction Sciences was awarded the Construction Materials Testing (CMT) contract for the Hexham Straight Widening. The Construction Sciences NSW Regional team, supported by the Construction Sciences Newcastle Laboratory, will provide essential soil and material testing services throughout the construction.

*Images courtesy of Hexham Straight Widening Alliance.