International Women in Engineering Day: 23 June 2023

International Women In Engineering Day (INWED) is celebrating its 10th year and recognises the incredible contribution female engineers are making to the profession, and encourages more young women and girls to pursue a career in engineering.

INWED was first launched in the UK by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) as a national initiative that has grown year by year, and has since achieved a global reach and UNESCO patronage. It is held on the anniversary of Women’s Engineering Society (WES) which was founded on June 23, 1919.

Every year, hundreds of INWED activities are held around the world to honour women in engineering including Australia, USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong and many more.

Engineers help shape the world and make our planet a better, safer, more innovative and exciting place to be. This year we celebrate the amazing work female engineers are doing to solve problems and present innovative solutions. For 2023 the theme is #MakeSafetySeen. 

Construction Sciences is proud to introduce two inspirational female engineers who are making a strong contribution to the profession.

Meet Nassim Tavaf Motamen and Nayana Srinivas.

Nassim Tavaf Motamen

Geotechnical Engineer | Brisbane, Australia

Q: Why did you choose engineering?

A: I have always enjoyed solving problems and have always had an interest in construction work, and so naturally I decided to become a civil engineer. It was a natural fit for me.

Q: Any advice for aspiring female engineers?

A: Always believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to pursue your passion.

Q: What makes a successful engineer?

A: To become a successful engineer, I believe one should have a thirst for knowledge, be open to new challenges and, most importantly, enjoy the work!

Q: Why do you think engineering is important (to the community/society)?

A: Engineering is extremely important to society in so many ways. We use engineering solutions in every minute of our lives. All of our infrastructure and technological advances are made a reality due to engineering. Each passing day, advances in engineering continue to enhance and better our lives.

Q: What is your favourite aspect of your job?

A: I enjoy my job because every day brings new challenges and opportunities for learning.

Nayana Srinivas

Graduate Geotechnical Engineer | Brisbane, Australia

Q: Why did you choose engineering?

A: I chose engineering because it offers me a chance to be at the forefront of technological advancements and contribute to ground-breaking innovations.

Q: Any advice for aspiring female engineers?

A: Start shattering the stereotypes and inspire yourself and others to enter a world of innovation!

Q: What makes a successful engineer?

A: To make it as an engineer your need a strong work ethic, perseverance, professional conduct, leadership and managemental skills and a desire for continuous learning as well as a certain amount of flexibility and adaptability.

Q: Describe one of the proudest moments of your career.

A: Every opportunity I have to challenge a stereotype about women in the construction industry is a proud moment for me.

Q: Why do you think engineering is important (to the community/society)?

A: Engineering contributes to environmental sustainability, economic growth, technology advancements, infrastructural developments.

Q: What is your favourite aspect of your job?

A: Facing new challenges every day in every aspect and the fact that I never feel bored about my job as it drives me into new learning every day.